10 Tricky Costumes To Nail In Upcoming Comic Book Movies

6. Enchantress - Suicide Squad

The classic Enchantress costume in DC's comic books is that of an extravagant green gown reminiscent of what most people probably think of when they hear the word "sorceress". In its most extreme form, it also includes a matching hat that is typical of what people strongly associate with witches. While this costume wouldn't be at all difficult to recreate when Cara Delevingne takes on the role in the Suicide Squad movie, the fact is that the character concept is so far removed from everything that will have been in the DC Cinematic Universe up until that point that it may well just end up standing out for all the wrong reasons. Only two (or possibly three, if the Batman V Superman movie does get split into two movies, as rumoured) movies will have been made prior to the Suicide Squad offering and everything that will have come before it will have been very much science-based. Marvel very gradually eased audiences towards the concept of magic, with Asgardian powers explained as being advanced science and, with no less than thirteen movies coming before the Doctor Strange movie, they are now suitably prepared for the wackiness that will ensue because of it.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.