10 Upcoming Trends That Will Change Movies Forever
2. Christian Movies Everywhere
Christian movies have been around for as long as cinema has, but for the most part, they've had a relatively muted presence, playing in specialist cinemas and not really striking up much business money-wise. 2014, however, saw an unexpected surge in Biblical-themed movies with support from name studios like Fox and TriStar, such that a number of religiously-themed pics made tons of money at the box office, including Son of God ($67 million), God's Not Dead ($62 million), and Heaven is For Real ($100 million). Noah doesn't count because it's sold as a blockbuster and on the names of Russell Crowe and Darren Aronofsky. Indeed, it's all the more impressive that these three movies made so much money when not a single one of them featured an A-list actor, which in fairness also accounted for their modest budgets. As the Christian movie-going audience can seemingly be relied upon to head out in droves, it's fair to expect studios to jump on the bandwagon and start churning out their own efforts, which in turn will likely cause these films to become more mainstream and appear in more multiplex cinemas over the next few years. Not that there's a problem with any of this, it's just going to significantly change the output audiences are able to choose from on a Friday night out at the movies, as religion isn't exactly a bubble that's going to burst any time soon.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.