10 Urban Legends That Should Be Horror Films

10. The Clown Statue

What's the Legend? You'll find the story no doubt familiar; girl goes to babysit some kids so the parents can have a night on the razz. The kids are asleep by the time she gets there, and she spends the evening watching TV in the front room. An unnerving statue of a clown stands in the corner of the room, staring at her. One of those ones where the eyes follow you wherever you go. Eventually she gets so freaked out that she covers the statue with a blanket. She texts the dad just to let him know, wanting to be respectful. He immediate calls her, tells her to grab the kids and get out. She does, panicking as she goes. She goes to the neighbours' house with the kids, talking with the dad again. She asks why he made her do that, to which he replies "we don't have a clown statue." What's the Movie? Classic slasher flick. Imagine the reveal halfway through the film thanks to the phonecall from the dad, but instead of safely escaping the house with the kids, the clown manages to trap them inside the house. The story becomes an epic struggle for survival, with the added jeopardy of the kids being in the mix.
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Cinephile since 1993, aged 4, when he saw his very first film in the cinema - Jurassic Park - which is also evidence of damn fine parenting. World champion at Six Degrees of Separation. Lender of DVDs to cheap mates. Connoisseur of Marvel Comics and its Cinematic Universe.