10 Utter Trash Horror Movies You Loved Anyway

4. Maniac (1980)

Knock Knock Ana de Armas
Analysis Film Releasing Corporation

William Lustig's Maniac is one of the most unforgettable and discomforting slasher movies of all time, following serial killler Frank Zito (Joe Spinell) as he murders and scalps young women in New York City.

Maniac puts us on the ground with Frank and, per Spinell's unforgettable performance as the deranged murderer, delivers an all-timer horror movie protagonist.

Largely shot in unfussed, imprecise fashion yet effortlessly capturing the vibe of '80s New York urban grime, Maniac is elevated by its intense and disturbingly realistic gore effects - most notably in the iconic shotgun scene - courtesy of genre legend Tom Savini.

For all but the most devoted horror fans, Maniac seems like the sort of movie that'll get you put on a list, but its fearless commitment to getting deep in the trenches with a deeply troubling character is to be commended.

2012's Elijah Wood-starring remake is arguably even better - and certainly more technically accomplished - yet with its stronger production values also loses a little of the original's scuzzy appeal.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.