10 Utterly Bleak Science Fiction Movies To Ruin Your Day

10. Beyond The Black Rainbow (2010)

Beyond The Black Rainbow

Beyond the Black rainbow is a Canadian film that is a throw back to science fiction movies of the late 70's and early 80's, and more specifically, the colours, music and the feel are heavily influenced by Stanley Kubrick. In other words, it deserves your attention. The film takes place some time in the 1980s where Dr. Barry Nyle (Michael Rogers) is running a New Age institute that wants to combine spirituality and science, at the same time as holding a girl named Elena (Eva Braun) captive. While Elena is under heavy sedition, she tries to escape while Dr. Nyle will do anything to keep her imprisoned. The pace is moody and drawn out, despite it essentially being a cat-and-mouse story, and the resulting feeling is so somber and cold that the film is incredibly creepy. We are invited in as voyeurs, and it feels perverse to watch Dr. Nyle, as he watches Anna, which in itself is incredibly unsettling. The film is surreal and unsettling; making this one of the most colourful bleak movies you will ever see.

Robert is a Canadian entertainment, true crime and crime fiction writer. You can visit his website at http://robertgrimminck.wix.com/writer