10 Utterly Insane Movie Cameos

5. John Goodman - O Brother Where Art Thou?

John Goodman O Brother John Goodman is well credited for his Coen brothers€™ cameos, with only previous entry Steve Buscemi appearing more times in their movies than him. The film is set in the 1930s Deep South, and follows George Clooney€™s trio of escaped convicts. Goodman plays Big Dan Teague, a well spoken, well fed, eye patched Bible salesman. His lunacy isn€™t apparent on first meet, but it isn€™t long before he reveals some haywire tendencies. After having a picnic lunch with Clooney and Tim Blake Nelson, Teague thanks the pair for the lunchtime €˜conversational hiatus€™, explaining how he prefers to €˜refrain from speech during gustation€™. Normal enough so far (kind of). Then, after launching into some bible selling spiel, he decides to beat Nelson and Clooney across the heads with a thick tree branch, before stealing their money. The other scene he appears in reconfirms the character€™s innate insanity, cropping up as a leader of the Ku Klux Klan and performing a sacrificial ritual, eventually foiled by Clooney and co.

22 year old history graduate with a passion for football, film, tv and gaming, attempting to carve out a career in them somehow. Huge fan of nostalgia, David Lynch films and the Super Nintendo. Did I mention nostalgia?