10 Video Game Movies That Made ONE Huge Mistake

8. Agent 47 Isn't Bald - Hitman: Agent 47

Resident Evil Apocalypse Nemesis
20th Century Fox

It's certainly more important for a video game movie to nail the essence of its central character than every single physical trait, but c'mon, how can you screw up Agent 47's bald head?

Hitman: Agent 47 casts Rupert Friend as the titular assassin - not a terrible choice by any means - and yet for some reason can't even stretch to fully shaving his head.

Instead, Friend still has a faint but totally visible layer of hair on top of his noggin, as basically becomes a torturous source of distraction for the entirety of the movie.

Now, this is hardly the film's only problem, but more than its slack writing, anemic direction, and mediocre supporting performances, everyone couldn't stop dunking on it for failing to do the most basic of things and just give us a fully bald Agent 47.

It was clearly an intentional creative choice, but you just have to wonder - why?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.