10 Villains DC Movies Got Completely Wrong

4. Doomsday (Batman V Superman)

Jared Leto The Joker
Warner Bros.

Batman v Superman's Doomsday must be a frequent attendee at the support group for comic book villains ruined by crap CGI, along with Incubus and Steppenwolf.

In this instance, the issue is entirely an image problem because there's nothing else to Doomsday besides rage, destruction and raw power, and the movie portrayed that well enough.

The quality of the CGI used to create him, however, was as questionable as Lex Luthor's methods for doing so. The end result looked more like a Lord of the Rings Cave Troll than the alien monster who killed Superman in the comics, but the worst part is that the digital effects were no less convincing than those used in 2001's Fellowship of the Ring.

Botching the creature's design was't enough for Batman v Superman. The movie also went and ruined his final-act arrival in one of its trailers, spoiling a potentially surprising twist. Good job, guys.


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