10 Villains DC Movies Got Completely Wrong

3. The Joker (Suicide Squad)


You'll read a lot of mixed things about Jared Leto's Joker from Suicide Squad. Some fans were won over by his grungy look and decision to go full method for the role, while others feel he failed miserably in his attempts to fill Heath Ledger's massive clown shoes.

The reality of the situation is that there was merit in Leto's approach to the role. He channelled menace, screen presence and devilish charm in his few scenes that didn't end up on the cutting room floor, but was ultimately given a raw deal because of the way his character was handled.

Warner Bros' mistake with its latest Joker was choosing the wrong film to introduce him in, and then giving him little precious little to do in that movie. It feels as though Suicide Squad included The Joker purely because the studio said it could, to add some comic book star power to its cast.

Leto's main contribution to the film is hovering on the periphery of the story and abusing Harley Quinn in flashback sequences, and half of those were cut during the overzealous editing sessions.

This version of the Joker could have been so much more if Warner and DC had allowed him to put his best foot forward as Suicide Squad's main villain, or better yet, introduced him in a Batman solo film to play him off the Caped Crusader.


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