10 Villains For The Spider-Man Reboot (And How To Use Them)

1. Mysterio

Mysterio is what happens when you combine Quentin Tarantino with a fishbowl and a bag of green haze. This master of movie magic is a film buff who decided to use his expertise for evil, unlike those of us at WhatCulture. An expert in designing special effects devices and illusions, Mysterio (who also shares a first-name with a certain writer/director who has a fascination with Uma Thurman's feet) is also a master hypnotist, magician and chemist. Quentin Beck's origin story is a simple one; he couldn't make it in the cutthroat showbiz industry and a friend joked to him that an easier way to become famous would be to take out a costumed hero. Beck took this on board and decided to target Spider-Man. Luckily his debut didn't happen in today's world, otherwise Beck would have just made a video of himself s***ting out of a tree, laid back and watched it go viral. One intriguing Mysterio story features Quentin, terminally ill from coming into contact with so many chemicals and wanting to go out in a last hurrah, targets Daredevil, because Spider-Man had an RDO. Which makes you wonder why a guy who specializes in visual effects would pick on a blind ninja. How He Could Work In The Marvel Studio's Reboot: Mysterio actually could work in a live action Spider-Man flick. His manipulation of visual effects would mean that nothing will be left on the table and the creators are free to come up with some zany fight scenes. He's even regarded as a skilled hand-to-hand combatant, due to training as a stunt man. At the very least, he could make Spidey's punches look good. Plus his backstory translates well for a modern world where everyone wants to be famous with as little effort as possible. You could take the earlier Daredevil story and have Spider-Man be available, so that Mysterio picks him as a superhero worthy of his respect to end his life. Though, Mysterio nearly had Daredevil kill a baby, so that may not really be a wise scene to include. Obviously, the costume will have to be changed, because it's probably not the best idea to have glass in front of your face if someone with the proportionate strength of a spider is going to punch it. What other villains do you think would work well in the Spider-Man reboot? Let me know below!
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When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.