10 WAY Better Endings For Recent Movies

1. Black Ops Priests Battle A Demon - Demonic

Army of the Dead Dave Bautista
IFC Midnight

Neill Blomkamp's Demonic is one of the most dispiriting misses of the year, and yet further proof that the District 9 director has lost the mojo that once suggested he was a prodigious talent.

This low-budget sci-fi horror is centered around the intriguing idea of a woman, Carly (Carly Pope), accidentally unleashing demons after entering a simulation to interact with the mental remnants of her comatose mother.

The marketing lingered on the deliciously enticing idea that the third act would feature a clan of black ops priests teaming up to battle a demonic entity as it rampages around, but perhaps due to budgetary or pandemic-related restrictions, it never happens.

Just as we expect a neat, Aliens-esque bug hunt to kick off, Carly arrives at the site of the conflict only to find the priests have all been butchered off-screen. Talk about an anti-climax.

What follows is instead a hot load of nonsense as Carly slays the demon, rather than delivering the promised showdown between a fleet of badass black ops priests and the creature. Lame isn't even the word.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.