10 Ways Batman & Robin Changed Batman Movie History
10. It Cancelled Schumacher's Batman "Triumphant"
As has been widely reported for years now, Warner Bros were so happy with the rushes for Batman & Robin that they immediately green-lit Schumacher's planned sequel. It would have been called Batman Unchained - though it was wrongly called Batman Triumphant until very recently - with a compelling story-line featuring the return of The Joker (at least as an hallucination) and the debuts of Harley Quinn and the Scarecrow.
Over the years, little bits of information related to the film have sneaked out - with Madonna and Courtney Love apparently sought for Harley Quinn and Nic Cage in the running for The Scarecrow - and though it all sounds pretty goofy in retrospect, there's a lot to be said for the film. It could actually have been Schumacher's best.
Unfortunately, the negative reception of Batman & Robin killed the project dead - and while elements of the plot can be seen in Batman Begins and the Arkham Knight game, that's as close as we'll ever get to seeing Schumacher's original vision. It's a shame, but who's to say where we'd be now if Unchained had come out...
Had it been a roaring success, we'd probably still be in that same timeline (or a variation), and if it had failed, we might have had to wait even longer for the redemptive reboot.