It's perhaps too much to hope that Dawn Of Justice will end with Batman and Superman as best of friends. However, it's unlikely that the film will end without resolution, either. It's most likely that we'll see the pair settling their differences and agreeing to steer clear of one another in future. To go back to The Dark Knight Returns, that comic (and fantastic two-part DVD movie) had Batman's fakery uncovered by a grieving Superman, who decided to play along, letting Bats go underground and play it quiet for once. In Dawn Of Justice, we should probably expect a redemption of sorts, for Superman, following his Metropolis-destroying activities at the end of Man Of Steel. He'll probably have to sacrifice something big (potentially, however temporarily, his life) in order to save Metropolis, Gotham and the world - just as Tony Stark proved to his Avenger teamates that he was more than able to take one for the team by flying into the void to potential death. Expect Batman to also fill the role of Stark's personal Hulk, coming to Superman's rescue when he needs it most. As such, John Byrne's Superman series depicted their first meeting, coming together to battle B-lister villain, um, Magpie. While the pair parted on friendly terms, their friendship was hardly set in stone. It'll take work - so it'll probably end with a grudging handshake rather than jollity and high fives. As long as there's that handshake though.
A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.