3. It Defines You
When you become a nerd, on any subject, you quickly become known for being a nerd on that subject. Nerdiness is very hard to keep a secret, and there is even a case to be made that you cant be a true nerd until you exercise your right to proclaim your nerdiness to the world over and over again. This has the end result of you simply being known as the film person, just like theres a music person, a book person and a video games person, within your school/workplace. Initially, this doesnt ruin your life. Its actually quite nice, to be known for being into films. Its a pretty liberating feeling, to be defined by the one thing you love. But then it gets annoying. Then it gets sad and infuriating. Its all you become known for. You want to have a conversation about something else, maybe music, books, video games, but no, you are the film guy and this is what you must talk about. You end up being ignored on other cultural topics, because you are defined by being the film person. And thats the end of the matter.