4. You Develop A Hipster Mentality
As you embark upon your long mission of being a film-nerd, you quickly develop a synthesis of two opinions on films- your opinion, and the general consensus. When you state your opinion, if it is different from the general consensus, this must be mentioned (I know how much everyone loves it, but Ive always found The Shawshank Redemption to be weak and obvious), and when the opposite is the case, the same rule applies (I understand how poorly The Last Airbender is considered, but its only a question of time before it is re-evaluated as a masterpiece). This is an effective way of being a movie nerd; showing that you know what you should think, which in turn validates your own opinion by showing youve actually thought about a film. However, sometimes someone goes against both your opinion and the general consensus, and this is when your hipster mentality comes out, a rather unfortunate side-effect of being a movie nerd. A common area where this will be demonstrated is at your local cinema, when you see someone queuing for a film like Transformers, or G.I Joe. They state that theyre really excited to see this film based on the merits of the first one, or the trailers, and upon hearing this the movie nerd will have a sudden rush of blood to the head, carrying with it images from every single arty and highbrow film theyve ever seen (as well as a sense of supreme smugness and elitism), and they will immediately think they are better than this normal, harmless person. They will sneer, for this person has an inferior opinion. They will then buy their ticket for the latest lo-fi indie drama about troubled teenagers that is actually a homage to the neo-realism Italian movement of the mid-century, and that will be that.