10 Ways Captain America: Civil War Will Set Up Avengers: Infinity War
9. Doctor Strange Will Appear In A Post-Credits Scene
Before Infinity War, there's still one major character left to be introduced to the MCU, and that's the Sorcerer Supreme himself, Doctor Strange, whose solo movie hits screens this November. Though Benedict Cumberbatch's star appeal will certainly propel the film forward, it still makes sense that he'll appear in a post-credits scene ahead of the film's release simply to emphasise the Marvel association and take no undue marketing risks. Plus, considering that Doctor Strange started shooting last November, there's been plenty of time to covertly shoot the scene. As for what we'll see, it'll likely be pretty cryptic, but possibly involve Strange using the Orb of Agamotto to see the impending arrival of Thanos, causing him to reach out to The Avengers. It really just depends on how the timelines all link up, as something so crucial could very well be saved for Doctor Strange's own post-credits scene, especially as by the end of Civil War, Doctor Strange won't have had his origin story take place yet. Either way, considering that more oddball characters like Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy were hinted at ahead of their movies, it'd be massively surprising if we didn't get something relating to Strange in Civil War's post-credits stinger.
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