10 Ways Captain America: Civil War Will Set Up Avengers: Infinity War
6. Big Things Ahead For Spider-Man
The final trailer for Civil War has confirmed that Spider-Man will appear in the movie suited and booted for at least some sort of extended cameo. The goal will be to get audiences accustomed to the new iteration of the web-slinger, probably by way of some witty gags and perhaps a brief burst of action, though he'll likely be staying out of the central conflict. Introducing Spidey here sets him up for a much, much larger role in the Infinity War saga, and though he probably won't be challenging Iron Man's mantle as The Avengers' de facto leader, he will become a key figurehead alongside Iron Man and Cap and be extensively featured in marketing next to the duo. It certainly helps that Spidey will be coming fresh off his own solo movie next year ahead of Infinity War, but it's Civil War that will delicately lay the groundwork in an understated way that doesn't undermine or overshadow the movie's core narrative.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
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