10 Ways DCEU's New Multiverse Could Outshine The MCU

7. Time-Travel That Makes Sense

The Flash Batman
Warner Bros. Animation

Avengers: Endgame made great use of time-travel, but it was so confusing at times that not even the movie's directors and writers could agree whether Captain America travelled back to an alternate timeline or actually lived his life out in the past.

However, based on what's been revealed about what happens when The Flash travels back to save his mother's life, the ramifications in the DCEU will clearly be much easier to follow. If you change a key moment in the past, the present is reshaped, and if the Flashpoint comic book is any indication, that means this movie will be even bigger than Justice League.

For example, in a world where Barry Allen has a happy childhood and doesn't become the Flash, it's feasible that Aquaman and Wonder Woman never joined the Justice League, and that they ended up going to war representing Atlantis and Themyscira. That happened in the source material anyway, and this sort of time-travel sounds vastly more appealing.

If Warner Bros. makes good use of this, then the storytelling possibilities in future will be truly epic. The MCU, meanwhile, will likely remain bogged down in confusing science...


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