10 Ways To Get Stupidly Rich (That We Learnt From Movies)

9. Take Drugs Which Make You Incredibly Smart - Limitless

If you lack the psychopathic tendencies of a fraudster like Jordan Belfont it's still possible to cash in big time on the stock market. The trouble is, getting your head around the ins and outs of trading can be a daunting task, even for the most savvy mathematician/statistician. A little mental booster could go a long way to bringing in that fortune. Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper), discovered exactly the kind of boost needed to make it rich in Limitless, in which Eddie gets his hands on a supply of the smart drug NZT-48. It isn't long before his small investment on Wall Street (thanks to a loan from a criminal gang) has made him millions, and daily doses of the drug soon see him climbing the corporate and political ladder, heading all the way to the top. Sadly for the rest of us, NZT doesn't exist in the real world, so if we wanted to make our fortune on the stock market we'd have to do it off our own intellectual backs. It's questionable just how "smart" NZT would actually make you anyway - Morra seems primarily concerned with money and political power, missing out on the opportunity to use the drug for philosophical enlightenment and contributing to the betterment of the world at large. Each to their own - money and power are the American Way, after all.

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.