10 Ways To Introduce Spider-Man To The Marvel Cinematic Universe

10. Alternate Universes

The Amazing Spider-Man franchise could simply be presented as an alternate universe from which Spider-Man has crossed over. The concept of alternate universe has already been touched upon in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as Erik Selvig's chalkboard was littered with references to other universes (such as the 616 Universe - Marvel's primary comic book universe), which means that they certainly exist. With the power being thrown around by characters like Scarlet Witch and Doctor Strange, as well as powerful items like the Infinity Stones being circulated around the Marvel Cinematic Universe almost willy nilly, a tear in the very fabric of reality could cause doorways to open to other universes or even cause other universes to merge with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which could open the door to Spider-Man crossing over. Indeed, Marvel have done similar things in the comic books - such as when a tear in reality in the Age of Ultron arc caused Angela from Image Comics to crossover.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.