10 Ways Jurassic World Sets Up A Sequel

7. Jurassic World Belongs To The Dinosaurs

The movie ends with the survivors being evacuated while the island has in effect been "taken back" by the dinosaurs residing there, namely the T-Rex, who lets out at a roar as he stands atop the park's control center. With the "lysine contingency" having been proven to be a bust in the Jurassic Park sequels, there's pretty much no danger facing the dinosaurs or preventing them from flourishing free of human intervention, leaving a massive dangling thread that will be difficult to ignore in the fifth film. Though the next movie can't just rehash what came before, there will almost certainly be some sort of reference or explanation as to what happened to the island after it was evacuated. Hell, maybe the army will finally do what they probably should've done in Jurassic Park III and just dropped a nuke on it. Whatever happens to Isla Nublar, though, the series needs to move on if it wants to remain fresh, and so...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.