10 Ways In Which Her And Lost In Translation Are Connected To Each Other
5. Feelings Of Isolation
The key problem Bob has in Tokyo is language-related. He has a hard time communicating with the directors of these photo shoots and struggles to understand what they want from him. Charlotte and Bob are both in awe of their surroundings but seem unable to fit in. You see them look through car windows at all these buildings and these neon colors and it just feels like a completely different world than what they're accustomed to. Ultimately, they're forced to stay in Tokyo for an inordinate amount of time and they feel lonely. For Charlotte, once again, this is exemplified by numerous shots of her sitting by the window and staring out into the rest of the city. Even when she tries to venture out and witness different parts of Japanese culture, including a religious ceremony, she later tells a friend on the phone that she doesn't feel anything. While Charlotte and Bob treat their surroundings with awe, for Theodore, it's everyday life. Yet, he is just as lost in his world as Charlotte and Bob are in Tokyo. As he continues to go through with his divorce, he seems to be unable to connect with anybody. He's completely zoned in with the technology that surrounds him. Technology plays a big part of his life, but he treats it all in a very passive manner... until Samantha comes along. Still, even with Samantha in his ear, Theodore is basically by himself. He has this very involving relationship, but he's still very much alone.