10 Ways In Which Her And Lost In Translation Are Connected To Each Other

4. They Talk About Their Failed Relationships

When Theodore and Samantha start to really get to know each other, Theodore goes into very deep detail about his failed marriage. In general, Theodore talks about his marriage to Catherine with great regret. He ultimately takes responsibility for how their relationship has dissolved and, at the end, he realizes the simple fact that they have grown apart. Catherine has moved on and so must he. All throughout Her, examining the past is very important as Theodore wallows in it. Theodore can't let go of his marriage until Samantha wakes up something inside of him. She makes him see the light at the end of the tunnel. With Lost in Translation, Bob and Charlotte don't explicitly state that there is anything wrong with their respective marriages, but there seems to be an unspoken understanding with each other. Regardless, Lost in Translation shows how Charlotte and John are growing apart. Meanwhile, Bob has been married to his wife for 25 years; they seem to have grown apart a long time ago. At the end, we don't get to find out what happens between Bob and his wife or Charlotte and John, but there does not seem to be much hope for either relationship, overall. Bob and his wife, Lydia, will probably stay together in their loveless marriage, but maybe his interactions with Charlotte has made him realize how much fun life can be without her?

Ken writes movie reviews on his blog, kenoncinema.blogspot.com. He currently resides in New York City. Twitter: @keng324