10 Ways To Make Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters More Awesome

8. Give Skye Superpowers

Skye's origins in the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. television series are somewhat hazy. It was initially revealed that Skye's parents were killed trying to protect their Chinese village and, in turn, trying to protect Skye from an attack by some €œmonsters€. However, it was later confirmed that Skye€™s parents were actually the monsters in question and there has been a lot of insinuation that at least one of them was an alien. In the climatic scenes of season one of the show, Raina (the Girl in the Flower Dress) approached someone who appeared to be a man and handed him a photo of Skye, claiming to him that she€™d found his daughter. The man€™s hand was dripping with blood, but that was the last we€™ve seen of him so far. Skye has been hinted as being everyone from She-Hulk to Ms. Marvel and from Mantis to Spider-Woman but, regardless, if she gets superpowers it will give her a whole new dimension and enable Phil Coulson's team to combat more powerful threats than ever.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.