10 Ways The Marvel Cinematic Universe Almost Turned Out Completely Different

2. The Incredible Hulk Sequel That Never Was

The Incredible Hulk has almost become the unwanted stepchild of the Marvel Cinematic Universe; despite being an established part of the franchise's canon, the movie suffered from a lukewarm critical reactions and disappointing box office returns, currently ranking as the lowest-grossing entry in the MCU. Comic book blockbusters are almost always designed with sequels in mind, and if The Incredible Hulk turned out to be a massive success then any potential follow-ups could have drastically altered the continuity of the studio's cinematic mythology. Even though the movie features several references to future Marvel movies and includes a post-credits cameo from Robert Downey Jr's Tony Stark, the events of The Incredible Hulk are never directly referenced by the characters of the MCU either in dialogue or hidden Easter Eggs, bar Mark Ruffalo's quip in The Avengers that he 'broke Harlem' the last time he was in New York. Things could have been very different had Louis Letterier's blockbuster been more of a critical and commercial hit; Edward Norton, Ty Burrell and Tim Blake Nelson were all contracted to return for a sequel, with a brief scene in the first movie all-but-confirming that the latter would transform into The Leader and play the main villain. Of course, Marvel's well-publicized dispute with Edward Norton led to Kevin Feige announcing that the role of Bruce Banner would be recast with someone who 'embodies the creativity and collaborative spirit of our other talented cast members', with Mark Ruffalo signing a six-picture deal to take over the character. With the studio recently announcing a full slate of movies through to 2019 with no sign of a standalone Hulk feature on the horizon, it seems that the studio is unwilling to expand the adventures of Bruce Banner beyond Avengers movies. The future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe could have turned out very differently had The Incredible Hulk turned out to be a smash hit.

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