10 Ways The Marvel Cinematic Universe Almost Turned Out Completely Different

3. Chris Evans Turned Down Captain America Three Times

After already playing The Human Torch in Tim Story's two Fantastic Four movies, its easy to understand why Chris Evans was reluctant to sign another multi-picture deal to star as a Marvel comic book character, with the actor repeatedly turning down the role of Captain America before finally signing a six-picture contract with the studio in early 2010. However, despite Marvel screen-testing a huge number of actors for the part it seems that they were intent on casting Evans in the title role, and it was the actor's reluctance to commit to such a lengthy contract that stalled negotiations. After turning down a nine-picture deal Marvel reduced the offer to six movies, and following a meeting with the producers the actor finally decided to sign on the dotted line. Referencing the lukewarm reception to the Fantastic Four, Evans explained that he initially turned down the role because 'if you're going to get locked up in a long-term contract, you've got to make sure the movies you're making are movies you'll be proud of.' It turns out that the actor had nothing to worry about, as the two Captain American movies so far have delivered great blockbuster entertainment thanks in part to Evans' portrayal of Steve Rogers giving charm, warmth and humanity to a character that seems to be the least interesting Avenger on paper.

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