10 Ways Marvel Could Introduce Fantastic Four Into MCU

8. Doctor Doom Arrives First, Possibly In Doctor Strange 2

Fantastic Four Marvel Studios
Marvel Comics

Doctor Doom is one of Marvel’s most iconic villains, even a possible contender to take over from Thanos as the overarching MCU villain. As a crucial part of the Fantastic Four franchise, he offers a clean route for them to enter the MCU.

As well as a nemesis for the Fantastic Four, Doctor Doom has clashed with many MCU heroes in the comics, most notably Doctor Strange. In Strange’s sequel, Doom could take a starring role, even with Chiwetel Ejiofor’s Mordo being set up for an antagonist role.

The Fantastic Four wouldn’t need to even be in the movie at all; Doom himself is a solid enough introduction and the film will likely be too full to bring them in anyway.

A post credit scene would be all that’s needed here; a tried and tested route which has already introduced Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and Thanos to the MCU.

Reed Richards, seeing Von Doom’s diabolical plans on the news, may then bring together a team of his own. He and Doom are infamous rivals, so while this origin would change a few details, it would keep the spirit of their backstory intact.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)