10 Ways MCU Movies Were Almost WAY Darker

6. Captain America: Madbomb

Agent Coulson Death

Captain America: Civil War was not only the biggest MCU movie at the time of its release in 2016, it was one of the most famous and highly anticipated story arcs from the entire comic back catalogue. Fans went into meltdown at its announcement, but it wasn't always the plan.

During the very early stages of development for the third instalment of the Captain America franchise, before there was any guarantee that the Russos would have Robert Downey Jr in their arsenal, there was another storyline in mind. Captain America: Madbomb was a very real possibility.

The story, pulled from the Captain's comic series in the mid 1970's, depicts Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson in a fight to stop the titular weapon, a bomb that, when activated, would have caused people to lose their minds and start attacking each other. Not dissimilar to the device used by Richmond Valentine in Kingsman, essentially.

In Joe Russo's words, the bomb would have almost zombified the masses, turning them into violent, mindless killing machines. Civil War certainly had its dark moments, but death and destruction on such a wide scale as the Madbomb story would surely have been much darker.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.