10 Ways MCU Movies Were Almost WAY Darker

5. Captain America's Severed Head

Agent Coulson Death
Marvel Studios

The time travelling aspect of Avengers: Endgame wasn't the easiest to follow, and has its share of potential plot holes, but it could have been even more confusing. It is because of the use of such a storytelling device being too tricky that we didn't get to see Thanos throwing Captain America's severed head to the feet of God's Right Hand Man from another timeline.

The Mad Titan was almost written to visit a reality in which he had already claimed victory to take Rogers' head, and bring it back home with him as a show of power and intimidation against his adversaries. Any kind of decapitation would have been jarring, but the removal of Cap's head would have been too much to handle.

Not only would we have seen this, but also the Mad Titan's new, redesigned throne. One made entirely from a pile of decaying human skulls. Pulled straight from the source material, this would have been one of the most gruesome, and shocking images from the entire movie.

Both of these aspects of the story would have been horrifying to see, and were in reality far too dark for Disney, even if the writers could have found a way for the story behind it to make sense.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.