10 Ways Phase 3 Could Ruin The Marvel Cinematic Universe

2. With Sequel Fatigue

It's still yet to happen, but it feels more like an eventuality that keeps getting pushed back than a concept that's up for debate. Between DC and Marvel, there's nearly two dozen superhero films coming out between now and the end of the decade; throw in all the comic book adaptations made by other studios, including even more X-Men movies, and you're on the verge of total superhero saturation. That means that, when you go to the cinema, you'll have not one but three or four superhero movies to choose from. At that point, the general public may very well have got sick of the sight of tights - especially when the films all look pretty much the same, with identikit white dude action heroes in the lead roles. Probably the biggest challenge Marvel has on their hands is keeping down that sequel fatigue, keeping people interested and getting bums on seats. Starting new series like Doctor Strange and Captain Marvel is one thing, but when they're seen as instalments in the grand MCU franchise, are they all that different from regular sequels?

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/