10 Ways Star Trek 3 Could Fix The Franchise

9. Spock's Brain

Spock in the original series was always very much aware of his human side and constantly fought to keep it under control. Releasing emotion was painful and shameful for him, it took extreme situations for him to show flashes of genuine humanity. Zachary Quinto was an excellent choice and his Spock is almost there but not quite. The relationship between him and Kirk in the original series was built on trust and shared experience. Spock advised his Captain and recognized him as a friend, but he also understood his place in the chain of command. In the new films so far the relationship has been one of friction, mistrust and subterfuge with belated, and slightly unbelievable, reconciliation. What is needed in the next film is a sense of this shared history and mutual respect. There was always banter and Spock was by no means a robot, but despite the death of his mother and the loss of his planet the character needs to get back to his roots. Captain Kirk had to beat the Vulcan back into Spock in the original series and beat the emotion out of him in the first reboot film. Spock needs to stop beating himself up and get back to being the controlled and sarcastic green blooded hobgoblin we all know and love.

I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.