10 Ways Star Trek 3 Could Fix The Franchise

8. Engage Brain

The biggest complaint of all about the reboot films is that they were more action movie than Star Trek action movie. There was no heart and little brain, most notably in the second instalment where completely unbelievable and impossible events converged in a mass of explosions. The third film needs to tell a story. It needs to have relevance to the world around us and give a bit of hope that humanity can find a better way. Into Darkness was supposed to be about terrorism yet it failed to address any potential solutions. The federation and humanity it presented was not the advanced society to aspire to as shown in the original timeline. Audiences are not as stupid as some studios think they are and there is a desire for a more cerebral form of sci-fi adventure. A well plotted, intelligent character piece to cement the crew€™s relationships is called for more than yet another popcorn blockbuster. The 50th anniversary deserves better than that.

I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.