10 Ways Star Trek 3 Could Fix The Franchise

5. Go Boldly

While stripping back is needed, the next film really needs to carve its own path and stand on its own merit. Once the characters are better established and more fully formed, it is the story that must take centre stage. There is no reason why action and cerebral story telling cannot co-exist, being brave enough to make an engaging and exciting film will allow Lin to set his movie apart. While many will cry for a return to old foes, old characters and referenced future history, a bolder approach would be to carve a whole new path. As previously mentioned, the character of the main protagonists does need brought closer to those of the original series, but new experiences would, obviously, lead to different personalities. We are all a product of our genes and our environment so asking for Kirk and Spock to be given more recognisable dispositions does not mean they shouldn€™t be able to stretch in new directions. The rabbit hole has been well and truly gone down so it makes sense for the team to just go with it. Yes, have the Romulans and Klingons, but the dynamics can be completely different due to Nero altering history. The rule book has not quite been thrown out, but most of it has, and should, be shredded.

I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.