10 Ways Star Trek 3 Could Fix The Franchise

4. It€™s Life Jim, But Not As We Know It

Star Trek Into Darkness trailer red running In the original series, and to an extent the Next Generation, there were a plethora of species introduced with a new one almost every week. It would be good to have a completely new, powerful and dangerous species to add to canon. As previously noted, the indications are that the next film will take place out in deep space. It is entirely unlikely the new crew would head out in exactly the same direction and meet exactly the same species as their original series€™ counterparts so there is plenty of scope for imagination. In keeping with the tradition of seeking out new life it would be fun to do just that. As noted previously, the Klingons have to have their place but they do not have to be the entire focus. Perhaps the new species poses a threat to both species and they have to work together, perhaps the Klingons are attempting to double-cross the federation, maybe both vying for control or diplomatic relations with the new power in the sector. There are many options but a new species is a must, the biggest shot in the arm Star Trek had since its return in the Next Generation was from the Borg. That is not to suggest that they should make an appearance, more to articulate that thinking boldly (or boldly thinking) can lead to great things.

I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.