10 Ways Star Trek 3 Could Fix The Franchise

3. Space, The Final Frontier

Too much of Star Trek of late, and science fiction stories in general (looking at you Doctor Who), has been spent with the Earth in peril. Being off on a mission out in deep space should allow the film to breathe and deal with issues that affect humans instead of humanity. With all the wonders of science that we have discovered since the days of the Next Generation series and the nature of Star Fleet being to explore, there is potential for a flavour of Interstellar style grim reality of space travel, as well as expounding on the beauty of the universe. Get away from Earth, have a journey in space and show the vulnerability of being out in the vast, black, unending emptiness. A €œDas Boot€ for the Sci-Fi world? Lost out in the farther reaches of explored space with only science, wits and training to help our plucky crew survive? The claustrophobic battles of Wrath of Khan were reminiscent, on occasion, of submarine dramas and the analogy is a sound one. Justin Lin has a chance here to take a Trek in a whole new direction and he would be mad if he didn€™t ask Ronald D Moore to at least take a look over the script. What he did with Battlestar Galactica was nothing short of genius and it€™s no secret he was a little frustrated at not getting to do the Trek he would have wanted. Moore knows Star Trek, he knows Sci-Fi and he knows how to take something kitsch and make it awesome.

I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.