10 Ways Star Wars Actors FIXED Scenes They Hated

1. Ray Park Refused To Blink As Darth Maul - The Phantom Menace

Star Wars

Sometimes actors just need to figure things out themselves when a scene isn't working for them, but in the case of Darth Maul actor Ray Park, it was pretty much the entire Phantom Menace shoot which caused him issues.

The problem? The coloured red-yellow contact lenses he had to wear to portray the Sith Lord were extremely irritating, enough that they caused discomfort whenever he blinked. You know, the thing we all do every couple of seconds in our waking lives.

As a result, Park decided to blink as little as humanly possible while playing Maul - a flourish which was primarily for his own comfort on set, and yet ended up only enhancing the character's unnerving quality.

As it turns out, Maul only blinks three times on-screen during The Phantom Menace, which while underlining his overall creepiness, was largely Park trying to spare himself some ocular agony.

For all of George Lucas' love of ground-breaking CGI in the prequels, could he really not just spare Park the hassle and colour his eyes in post?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.