10 Ways Batman v Superman Can Live Up To The Hype

6. It Can Give Us A Great Wonder Woman

Batman V Superman
Warner Bros.

When Gal Gadot managed to win the coveted role of Wonder Woman, the announcement was yet another log thrown into the anti-DC fire. 

The fans complained about her modelling background, her lack of acting experience and her thin frame. But Warner Bros. has a history of unorthodox casting choices that end up paying off. When she was finally revealed to the world–donning her dark red armor, blue skirt and sword–the reaction that began as mixed grew cautiously optimistic.

She's going to look the part: the only question mark left is her acting ability. 

She's a relative newcomer with sparse acting credits, her biggest role being that of Gisele Yashar in the Fast & Furious franchise. It's interesting to note however, that ever since she snatched up the iconic role of Diana, she's gone on to snag quite a few more roles starring alongside some talented, veteran actors. 

She shouldn't be judged by her acting past. Instead, she should be judged by the films that she has in the pipeline. It's obvious that she has impressed Warner Bros., and now she's impressing other studios and directors as well.

Snyder is a huge comic book fan and has a reputation for pulling off strong female characters. All signs point to Diana being in good hands.

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I'm a writer and musician living in New York City. I'm a huge fan of all types of films, comic books and anything with a great story, and an even bigger fan of drinking excessively on Saturdays. If you want to reach me to let me know what you think of my work (good or bad), you can reach me on Twitter, Facebook and Google+