10 Ways Batman v Superman Can Live Up To The Hype

7. It Can Develop Superman Into A Symbol Of Hope

Batman V Superman
Warner Bros.

Man of Steel was one of the most controversial comic book movies ever released. Most of the controversy stemmed from one fact, the cinematic Superman has only ever existed in a fantasy and had never been introduced to the modern world. 

Snyder finally modernized Superman, and in the process gave him a baptism by blood. 

He introduced a Clark Kent who was a ghost trapped between the Kryptonian and human world, struggling to find a way to save the world while still being afraid of it. He also presented a rookie Superman, learning the ropes on his first day while going head-to-head with a violent and equally powerful threat. 

Man Of Steel was all about Superman's birth into a real world, filled with consequences and sacrifices. Batman v Superman seems to be the organic second act of this saga. 

He's been introduced, and now the world has to come to terms with his existence. It's obvious that the world will turn on him, and it's also obvious that it will eventually embrace him. This version of Superman has to earn his status as a symbol of hope by making it through the Dark Knight to reach the dawn.

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I'm a writer and musician living in New York City. I'm a huge fan of all types of films, comic books and anything with a great story, and an even bigger fan of drinking excessively on Saturdays. If you want to reach me to let me know what you think of my work (good or bad), you can reach me on Twitter, Facebook and Google+