10 Ways The MCU Isn't For You Anymore

8. You Don't Understand Why Characters Are Important

Marvel MCU TV shows
Marvel Studios

Since the MCU launched in 2008, the films were methodical at setting up characters that will play a bigger role in later movies.

Nick Fury's appearance in Iron Man could've come across as a glorified cameo but instead, was the perfect way to demonstrate how Tony Stark was just one player in a much bigger universe.

But recently it feels like the MCU can't make one movie without shoving in another superhero or supervillain without explanation.

If you haven't seen Venom, you were probably lost when Eddie Brock appeared in Spider-Man: No Way Home. Unless you know the convoluted comic backstory of Thanos, you'll be left wondering who Eros was in Eternals. Although diehard fans might argue this point by saying "you have to read the comics", that doesn't excuse the fact that these forced character dumps are a sign of bad storytelling.

Although there's nothing wrong with setting up new characters for future projects, it becomes an issue when it compromises the story. If you're increasingly frustrated by how the MCU keeps introducing characters five years before explaining who they are, no one can blame you.


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