10 Ways The X-Men Films Nearly Turned Out Very Differently

1. Everything - X-Men

Mister Sinister

The first X-Men script went through a whopping drafts, many of which had little resemblance to the final product. In one script, Xavier could walk and Magneto caused the Chernobyl disaster. In another script, the X-Men battled a sentient island called Krakoa.

Most of the drafts boiled down to the same plot; the X-Men battle Magneto and the Brotherhood. The biggest problem with every script was figuring out which mutants to include.

Even when it was decided that the X-Men would consist of Cyclops, Storm, Jean Grey, Rogue, and Wolverine, it was difficult to figure out how much of their origin to show. We were supposed to see a teenage Scott Summers losing control of his abilities in a school, destroying a bathroom. This scene was repurposed for X-Men: Apocalypse sixteen years later. Another scene intended showed a young Storm losing control of her weather powers in her hometown in Kenya, devastating the area.

Probably the biggest departure from the scripts (and the source material) was the the team's colourful costumes. The X-Men were meant to wear their traditional outfits but Bryan Singer opted for them to wear black leather, believing their comic costumes would look ridiculous in live-action.

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