X-Men: Apocalypse: 10 Ways To Ensure It's The Best In The Series

3. Finally See The X-Men Unite

Okay, this might be a little tough to explain so hang in there. Throughout the several X-Men films we have never truly seen the X-Men come together in a massive battle. During the climax of the first film, we see maybe a half a dozen X-Men battle Magneto and his cohorts. In X2, with Cyclops and Professor X hypnotized half the movie, we never got that epic battle either. It wasn€™t until the finale of X-Men: The Last Stand where we finally saw such a battle, but by then half of the X-Men were dead. X-Men First Class, we saw a nice battle at the end but it didn't include any of the fan favorite X-Men. Again, in DOFP the fight scenes were nice but half the X-Men were dead or not born yet (depending on when the fight takes place). With the slate wiped clean we could finally have that massively epic battle where we see all (or almost all) of the X-Men unite and take on a global threat. With Apocalypse, The Four Horsemen and hundreds of Sentinels theoretically running around this will the perfect opportunity to make it happen.

Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com