10 Ways To Reboot The Amazing Spider-Man Correctly

8. Try Something (A Bit) Darker

Both Amazing Spider-Man movies, while they definitely have their merits, left a lot of viewers feeling like they lacked substance. They were fun, sure, but there wasn't really much dramatic material to chew on. One tried and tested method of creating drama in a franchise is to go 'darker' with a sequel. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 does admittedly have a very tragic ending, so in that sense it could be argued that they already went darker. But we're talking more about setting a tone for the entire movie, a sense that the stakes have been raised and danger abounds, rather than tacking an unexpectedly sad ending onto a pretty flighty movie. We actually think that Sam Raimi was on the right track with Spider-Man 3, with the introduction of the black suit and Venom giving the story an edge that was lacking before. Sadly, the ham-fisted execution of Venom (and the obvious disdain that Raimi felt for the character) meant that the story never actually went to the places it could have, and instead we got emo-fringe Peter Parker. We feel there is a more mature Spider-Man story waiting to be told on the big screen. We're not suggesting that they do a Dark Knight or anything, as that would not be appropriate for the character, but there are definitely ways to achieve that edge without betraying the nature of the Spider-Man universe. Perhaps inspiration could be taken from a story like Kraven's Last Hunt, a powerful tale that transformed a previously silly villain into a credible threat while also revealing untapped levels of tragedy in the character.

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