10 Ways To Reinvigorate The Broken Horror Genre

5. Stop Remaking/Rebooting Horror Movies

Texas Chainsaw There have been some great horror remakes in recent times; Zack Snyder's remake of Dawn of the Dead is a classic in its own right, and Gore Verbinski's remake of The Ring is as scary as it is unsettling. But those are exceptions to the rule, most horror remakes are terrible. But those are the exceptions to the rule, most Horror remakes are terrible. Just because a movie was successful does not mean it needs to be remade for an English speaking audience, or because something was popular in the 1980's does not mean we need a remake. Let's face it - the eighties were a weird time, let's leave it and its movies alone and hopefully it will do the same for us. Movies are made because their creators felt like they had something new to bring to the genre. Like the Spanish film REC, an enjoyably claustrophobic movie which makes good use of its found footage format. Yet the remake Quarantine is nearly exactly the same as the Spanish original except in English. Hollywood needs to stop remaking horror movies. Take the money and talent which would have made them and come up with something new. (I heard an idea about a Bachelor Party vs. a Hell Spider movie which may be available).

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