10 Ways To Reinvigorate The Broken Horror Genre

4. Different Directors

only god forgives movie_edited-14 The same people seem to be making the same movies, and I want to see what directors who are not known for genre work can do with a horror movie. Although Steven Spielberg got his start with Duel and made his name with one of the most influential movies of all time (Jaws Baby!), he mostly makes family friendly movies like War Horse.However he has revealed a talent for jaw-dropping brutality in Saving Private Ryan and Munich, and bleak science fiction in Minority Report (featuring one of Tom Cruise's rare good performances) and War of the Worlds (featuring one of Tom Cruises many dreadful performances). If he focused on his talent for onscreen chaos combined with a tense atmosphere and strong sense of location he could make one hell of a horror movie. Martin Scorsese came close to making a horror movie with Shutter Island - which proved to be more of a psychological drama then a horror movie - but every frame of that movie is filled with menace, leaving the audience to truly feel for Leonardo Dicaprio's protagonist and fear for what he may find hidden in the walls in the creepy mental institution. Imagine the gothic beauty of Shutter Island and the gleeful violence of Goodfellas, and that is a horror movie I want to watch. Nicolas Winding Refn's visceral, visual style, combined with a foreboding tone, disturbing sound design and brutal violence in his movies Valhalla Rising and Only God Forgives are more disturbing than most horror movies, and I doubt I am the only one who wants to know what he can do making a straight-up horror movie.

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