10 Ways To Spot A Time Traveller

4. They Are Terrified By The Norm

And you always thought that man shouting at traffic was crazy! Turns out he is calling for voice activated anti-gravity boots that are - how dare you not know €“ commonplace in the year 3145. Most time travellers come to our present very unprepared, and are usually thrown by the lack of or overly advance technology and lifestyle we live. What we consider the every day, can be quite alarming and upsetting for these men of yesteryear and of tomorrow. Some find our primordial light switches to be obscene, whilst others are unsettled by our inability to out fox human-like ape people. It just goes to show, you can travel half way through time, but without a decent copy of €˜Lonely Planet Guide to Year XXXX€™, you are pretty much screwed. Most likely to say: €œWhat do I do with this?€ CASE STUDIES: Jumanji, Planet of the Apes
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Part critic-part film maker, I have been living and breathing film ever since seeing 'Superman' at the tender age of five. Never one to mince my words, I believe in the honest and emotional reaction to film, rather than being arty or self important just for cred. Despite this, you will always hear me say the same thing - "its all opinion, so watch it and make your own." Follow me @iamBradWilliams