10 Ways To Spot A Time Traveller

3. They Know Us, Even Though We Don€™t Know Them

They say Déjà vu is just a sensory familiarity, or a glitch in The Matrix. But those time jumping know-it-alls can tell us the truth €“ we€™ve been here before. See a face you recognize? Having a conversation you feel you€™ve already had? That€™s because you do and you have. Time travelling usually requires the traveller to have at least two encounters with the same individual, and prophetically impart wisdom to them. One result of meeting younger or past people is that they seldom remember you. So anything you do tell them rarely holds, and when you do meet them again in the distant future you will be dismissed as that elusive little flutter with the French phrasing. Most likely to say: €œYou won€™t remember this, but€€ CASE STUDIES: The Jacket, Groundhog Day
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Part critic-part film maker, I have been living and breathing film ever since seeing 'Superman' at the tender age of five. Never one to mince my words, I believe in the honest and emotional reaction to film, rather than being arty or self important just for cred. Despite this, you will always hear me say the same thing - "its all opinion, so watch it and make your own." Follow me @iamBradWilliams