10 Ways Trailers Let You Know A Movie Is Secretly Awful
6. Puerile Bodily Fluid Jokes And Pratfalls
![hot tub](https://cdn3.whatculture.com/images/2012/05/hot-tub-600x338.jpg)
Notable offenders: Hot Tub Time Machine 2, Movie 43, Grown Ups
As independent movies have proven many times, American filmmakers are more than capable of making comedies which are sharply observed and full of wit and invention, as this year's Listen Up Phillip and Love Is Strange alone have proved.
When it comes to mainstream Hollywood, however, this nuance is often lacking. Cleverness is replaced with crassness and jokes about faeces, periods, farts and obesity are often passed off as being "funny" even though the age range which usually find someone covered in poo amusing aren't old enough to be admitted to the theatre.
That's not to say that fart jokes and their erstwhile cousin the pratfall can't be funny (Chaplin and Keaton made cinema history for falling around on-screen), but if the trailer offers very little else then chances are it's going to be puerile drivel which only the lowest common denominator will lap up. If you like crass humour then this probably isn't such a bad thing (and you fall into the target demographic the trailer largely is aimed towards), but for the rest of us it's a clear sign you aren't going to get too many laughs for your cash. I'm looking at you, Movie 43.