10 Ways Trailers Let You Know A Movie Is Secretly Awful
7. A Bass Drop Is Used More Than Once
Notable offenders: Transformers: Dark Of The Moon, Ender's Game, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
In the 1990s the ubiquitous annoying noise featured in trailers for bad movies was the record scratch (the sample is free to use - go figure). Then, the "Bwaaaah!" noise from Christopher Nolan's Inception became the most overused sound in movie trailers (much to the annoyance of Inception's many fans).
More recently, the "Boom" bass drop has trumped the contenders to become the most excessively used noise in movie trailers, often in circumstances where such a noise really isn't called for. From action movies to raucous comedies, the bass drop is featured in films across the spectrum of genres. While it does occasionally work, when a movie trailer feels the need to use it more than once you know the editor is really struggling to make the film appear more exciting than it actually is.
Unsurprisingly it's featured in pretty much every trailer for a Michael Bay film, but for an example of "Boom!" overload look no further than this trailer for the dreadful Battleship.