10 Ways William Shatner Can Play Kirk Again In Star Trek 3

2. Kirk From The Mirror Universe

The beauty of a multidimensional universe is that somewhere out there, there are different versions of you living different lives that you could have been experiencing if you made different life choices. That bus you missed this morning, in a parallel universe you didn't miss it and on board was the love of your life who you went on to have lots of children with. So in Star Trek 3, Shatner-Kirk arrives from a parallel universe; a parallel universe where Kirk was not killed unceremoniously by a poorly constructed walkway. Star Trek has jumped from universe to universe many times. Since a parallel universe was established in the Original Series episode ''Mirror Mirror,'' most notably Deep Space Nine made regular incursions to it. Therefore, a parallel Shatner-Kirk could make the jump because he has knowledge of some forthcoming event that puts all multiverses in danger. Or he could be evil Kirk and then goes on a character arc to become a good Kirk. There are many possibilities and it would give William Shatner the chance to get his acting teeth into a role that is more than a cameo.

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.