10 Ways William Shatner Can Play Kirk Again In Star Trek 3

3. New Kirk Grows Old

Being science fiction, Star Trek has the freedom to do whatever they want as long as there is a plausible explanation. So with that in mind, there could be a sequence where Pine-Kirk is temporarily aged by something or someone. Its happened before in the Original Series episode ''The Deadly Years'' where due to a virus, some of the Enterprise crew were prematurely turned into old aged pensioners. So what if Pine-Kirk is aged and that allows William Shatner to walk in and play the older Kirk. He could even get a chance to sit in the captain's chair of the Enterprise one last time. With it only being a temporary phenomenon, Pine-Kirk could be restored to his youthful self and from the sudden aging, it shapes him to become and retain the characteristics of the Kirk we all know, love and recognize. If Kirk can be killed off and brought back to life in Into Darkness, why cant he be aged and de-aged with an equally flimsy explanation.

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.